Category... Arts & CultureChamber MeetingsChamber Of CommerceClubs/OrganizationsCommunity ServicesContinuing EducationFestivals & CelebrationsGovernmentHolidayRecreation & SportsRibbon CuttingsSchools March April May June July August September October November December January February Search Results Found: 52 Button group with nested dropdown February 2022 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 30 31 1 Valentine's Day Special! Spring Candle Launch with Tiny Homestead Chair Yoga at the Portage Library 2 Valentine's Day Special! Spring Candle Launch with Tiny Homestead Ribbon Cutting at Riley Kubatzke Agency-American Family Insurance 3 Valentine's Day Special! Spring Candle Launch with Tiny Homestead Chair Yoga at the Portage Library 4 Valentine's Day Special! Artist Opening Reception at PCA Candle Making Workshop with Tiny Homestead 5 Valentine's Day Special! "Evolution" exhibit at PCA Clyde Masten Performs at Portage VFW Driftless Brass Quintet at Portage Center for the Arts 6 Valentine's Day Special! 7 Valentine's Day Special! Free Online Foot Pain Workshop Mayoral Forum 8 Valentine's Day Special! Chair Yoga at the Portage Library Afternoon Social at the Portage VFW 9 Valentine's Day Special! "Evolution" exhibit at PCA Adult Computer Basics at the Public Library VFW Open Wednesday for Texas Hold'em Poker 10 Valentine's Day Special! "Evolution" exhibit at PCA Chair Yoga at the Portage Library 11 Valentine's Day Special! "Evolution" exhibit at PCA 12 Valentine's Day Special! "Evolution" exhibit at PCA Kiwanis Fisheree at Silver Lake Afternoon Tea at The Mercantile 13 Valentine's Day Special! 14 Valentine's Day Special! Free Online Shoulder Pain Workshop 15 Chair Yoga at the Portage Library Afternoon Social at the Portage VFW 16 "Evolution" exhibit at PCA VFW Open Wednesday for Texas Hold'em Poker 17 "Evolution" exhibit at PCA Chair Yoga at the Portage Library PHS Spring Showcase & Senior Night 18 "Evolution" exhibit at PCA Community Blood Drive 19 "Evolution" exhibit at PCA Optimist Tri-Star Basketball Contest Book Signing at The Mercantile Warrior Bash 20 21 22 Chair Yoga at the Portage Library Afternoon Social at the Portage VFW Free Pelvic Floor Workshop 23 "Evolution" exhibit at PCA Portage FFA Pancake Supper VFW Open Wednesday for Texas Hold'em Poker 24 "Evolution" exhibit at PCA Chair Yoga at the Portage Library Lunch Break at PCA Health Revival: Heart Health Talk 25 CrossFit Open Nights "Evolution" exhibit at PCA 26 Wine and Chocolate Pairing Durward's Glen Pancake Breakfast Glow Flow at Bee Alive Yoga 27 28 1 2 3 4 5