Portage Optimist Club will be hosting its annual Tri-Star Basketball Contest at the John Muir Gymnasium.
This free basketball event is for ages 6-13 and there is no cost to register. Register at the gym at 8:45am and the contest begins at 9am.
The contest is composed of three basic skills tests in passing, shooting, and dribbling for boys and girls from ages 6 to 13. Each participant will be evaluated individually within his/her own age bracket and gender group.
Saturday Feb 19, 2022
John Muir Gym
Portage, WI 53901
Printed courtesy of www.portagewi.com – Contact the Portage Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
104 West Cook Street, STE A, Portage, WI 53901 – (608) 742-6242 – pacc@portagewi.com