Join us for the Community Read 2022 during the month of August!
What is a Community Read?
A Community Read is a book club for the entire city, intended to cultivate a culture of reading, discussion, and growth, by bringing people together around impactful works of literature. In discussing and better understanding important issues that affect our community, we can work towards change that will improve everyone's quality of life.
Community Read 2022
For this year's Community Read, we will be focusing on Jolene Brackey's Creating Moments of Joy Along the Alzheimer's Journey. Our Kickoff Event will be August 1st. Books should be available to the general public for 28-day checkout at that time.
Every Thursday in August, we will have a different event that focuses on Alzheimer's and dementia. Janet Wiegel of the Alzheimer's & Dementia Alliance of Wisconsin will be participating with the library to help bring these programs to our community. These events can be found on our calendar, social media, and library displays. For more information about each of these events, speak to Gloria or Patti.
On August 25th, Jolene Brackey will be at the Portage Public Library for Capstone Presentations, one at 1:00 pm and another at 6:30 pm.
At these presentations, she will talk about her book and lead a discussion on the topic of Alzheimer's and dementia. She will be selling signed copies of her books after each presentation!
August 1st Community Read 2022 Kick Off!
Copies of Jolene Brackey's Creating Moments of Joy will be available for patrons to pick up at this time.Sign up for Community Read email list and social media notifications to stay in touch. Start reading Jolene's book and add events to your August calendar.
August 4th 10:00 am
Alzheimer's and Dementia themed story time for children with Janet Weigel.
August 11th 1:00 pm
Movie showing of Still Alice in the Bidwell Room. Janet Weigel will lead a Q & A after the movie.
August 18th 5:00 pm
Book discussion on Creating Moments of Joy with Janet Weigel.
August 25th 1:00 pm & 6:30 pm
Capstone Presentations. Jolene Brackey will present her book and speak on the topic of Alzheimer's and dementia. She will sell signed copies of her books after the presentation
Date and Time
Monday Aug 1, 2022 Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Portage Public Library
253 West Edgewater Street
Portage, WI 53901
Contact Information